71 Funny Dog Puns
This really funny dog puns list is the best you’ll find. Check it out and try not to bark with laughter.
- Quit hounding me!
- Remain paws-itive!
- Please fur-give me.
- Today has been ruff.
- I’m mutts about you!
- Let’s raise the woof!
- I’ll collie you later.
- You’re such a mal-tease.
- I’m all about the pug life.
- Howl I ever live without you?
- You need a new leash on life.
- The dog is from Colliefornia.
- This place seems so fur-miliar.
- I’m so paw-ssionate about dogs!
- You have the corg-key to my heart.
- Don’t bite the hound that feeds you.
- People who hate dogs are re-pug-nant.
- My dog’s favorite band is The Beagles.
- I’m so fur-tunate to have you in my life
- What dog does Dracula own? A blood-hound.
- That dog was so cold, he was a pup-sicle!
- Anything is paw-sible when you have a dog.
- The dog barked all night without any paws.
- My dog’s not fat. He’s just a little husky.
- The dog names were recorded for pawsterity.
- What does the dog eat at the movies? Pupcorn!
- Don’t stop retrieving. Hold on to that feline.
- The dog was so smart it majored in bark-eology.
- The newest Avenger is a dog named is labro-thor.
- My dog loves poetry. Especially William Shakes-paw.
- What did Darth Vader name his son? Luke Skybarker.
- The squirrel in the backyard made the dog go mutts.
- She saw an oppawtunity to start a new pet business.
- What kind of construction are dogs best at? Roofing.
- Don’t drop snacks on the floor on game day—you don’t want to end up with a wide retriever!
- The dog catcher liked to sing while he picked up strays, “You ain’t nothing but a pound dog.”
Table Of Contents
21 More Best Dog Puns Jokes

- What does a dog like to eat for breakfast? Woofles.
- The dog has been going through a rough pooch lately.
- Trying to train my dog was a Mastiff waste of time.
- Mistakes happen. No need to terrier-self up about it.
- She went on pup-ternity leave when she got a new dog.
- My dog never stands up for herself. She just rolls over.
- The dog is so popular that the pup-arazzi took its photo.
- My dog hates the rain. He doesn’t want to step in a poodle.
- I love walking my neighbor’s dog. It’s the leashed I can do.
- He’s not a bad dog. He’s just a little ruff around the edges.’
- Where do dogs go after their tails fall off? The re-tail store.
- Have you heard about the new dog movie? It’s called Jurassic Bark.
- What’s your dog’s favorite Pink Floyd album? Bark Side of the Moon.
- The Dalmatian hid from people because he didn’t want to be spotted.
- That dog is so beautiful. She should be on the cover of Vanity Fur.
- You won’t find what you need here. You’re barking up the wrong tree.
- I nearly kicked my dog out. But we renegotiated the terms of his leash.
- It’s raining cats and dogs. That’s fine, as long as it doesn’t reindeer.
- Dachshunds always nap in the shade because they don’t like being hot dogs.
- Next time you take your dog out to the lake, bring a doggie paddle with you!
- Dogs are the most loyal creatures on earth – completely devoted to their dog-ma and paw.
Labrador Puns
- A drunk man was walking home. Along the way, he saw a man with a dog.
Drunk man said: “Hey there! That’s a nice monkey you got with you.”
The man with a dog replied: “You had too many drinks. That’s labrador, not a monkey.”
The drunk man replied: “I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to the dog.” - Why don’t Black Labs bark at their feet? Because its not polite to talk back to your Paw.
- What happened when the Labrador Retriever swallowed a firefly? He smiled with de-light.
- What do you call a cold Labrador Retriever? A pupsicle.
If you like these Labrador puns, please share them.
Dog Puns Reddit Story
One dog owner has written this story on Reddit. Other Redditors have upvoted it. So apparently it’s funny. Please share it if you agree.
i have owned a maltese x shitzu for about 3 years and everything is fine, the first time we had left him alone i was given the task of getting home fast, we had left the front door unlocked as i didnt have a key. i opened the door and rushed to the bathroom as i needed to use the bathroom. i opened the bathroom door and there was my dog standing in the mirror speaking Maltese! i shitzu not!
7 Cute Valentine’s Day Dog Love Puns

What would Valentine’s Day be without adorable dogs and cute puppies? Let’s never find that out and instead adore our furry friends and make some doggy puns.
- I got my girlfriend a puppy for her birthday. She’ll be smiling from ear terrier. A present she will truly treasure furever.
- You’re very fetching.
- Dalmatian me crazy.
- Will you spaniel life with me?
- Collie me maybe.
- I can’t terrier myself away.
- I labra-dore you.
Do you labra-dore your significant other? If so, share this page on social media now. And if you want more Valentine’s Day stuff, enjoy these funny Valentine’s Day quotes.
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