We welcome articles and stories that are:
- Funny. We understand that each person has his own understanding of “funny”. Therefore, we only ask that your submitted article or story has a humorous tone. Whether this humorous tone is “funny” is another question. But be assured that we do our best to pick only those funny articles and stories that make the reader smile and reflect on the absurdities of this world. That’s our commitment. So before you submit article or story, make sure it is your best and funniest.
- Insightful. Lots of things happen in the world every day. But are all of them worth writing about? Probably not. This is one of the reasons Humoropedia.com has been created: to highlight the funniest and weirdest of this world. But guess what? If you believe that something minor is worth writing about, then we’d love to hear about it. We’d love to hear about it as long as you put an interesting spin on it and turn this seemingly mundane event into something weird and funny, or at least funny. So before you submit writing to our site, reread it and ask yourself: “Does it contain any interesting insights about human behavior?” If it does, submit it. If it does not, add something interesting and insightful, something psychological that would add a third dimension. We know you can, so do it!
- Weird. This is optional but preferred. We are all a little weird here.
We do NOT welcome articles that are:
- Spam. If you are spammer, get the hell out of here or we’ll send a bunch of tough guys to your house.
- Scraped from other sites. Try something like that and something very funny will happen to you.
- Filled with grammar errors. Please proofread your work before submitting.
The technical requirements are:
- Have to contain at least 250 words. The length of your work is not as important as its quality, however.
- Have 0 links to overly commercial sites. Everyone has a different understanding of “overly commercial site”. But in our opinion, it is the site that has little content and many ads.
- Are NOT so loaded with profanity that you start wondering if the author has majored in Bad-Ass Profanity. We do respect the people who majored in it. We just don’t like articles and stories like that. So before you submit story, make sure it is completely free from profanity. The only exception to this rule is that you are Quentin Tarantino.
Have a friend who may be interested in getting published? Then share this page with him.
How to maximize chances that we accept your work:
- Write about something that you are genuinely interested in. Then your writing would be much better and we would be more likely to accept it.
- Add lots of relevant, interesting videos and pictures. It is even better if they are funny.
- Be a good person. That’s a joke. Being a good person is NOT gonna help you. How sad.
Here is an example of funny article that we would have published: 
Here is an example of funny story that we would have published:

In short, we want articles and stories that are:
1 Funny and insightful;
2 Free from profanity and links to spam.
If you think you have one like that, submit it below.
Other Sites Where You Can Submit Writing