Category: Hilarious Jokes and Funny Pics

How To Deal With A Roommate In A Funny Way

1) Don’t ask your roommate when he will wash his dirty dishes. Wash them for him. Then tell him he owes you. 2) My roommate didn’t wash his dirty dishes for three days. Then...

Funny Halloween Costumes

Check out this amazing collection of Funny Halloween Costumes. They are the best you will find on the Internet or anywhere else. You will definitely laugh at these creative Halloween costumes people have created....

Funny Pictures of Paranoid Parrot

Check out this parrot’s paranoid behavior. It is as funny as it is ridiculous. You will laugh at this crazy parrot, or we’re not the team of Check Out More Funny Animal Pictures...

Dirt Devil Definition

Dirt Devil: vacuum cleaner that cleans like a devil: it does not clean shit, so you cannot help using devil’s name. That’s how you can use ‘Dirt Devil’ in a sentence: #1: If my...

17 Funniest Grumpy Cat Pictures

Check out our awesome collection of Funny Grumpy Cat Pictures. We did our best to bring you only the best. They are the best you will ever find. You will definitely laugh at grumpy...

Funny Walmart Pictures, Stories, and Jokes

Check out our hilarious collection of Funny Walmart Pictures, Stories, and Jokes. We did our best to bring you only the best. They are the best you will ever find. Funny Walmart Jokes Worst...

Funniest Twilight Memes and Jokes

Check out this hilarious collection of Twilight Memes and Parody Jokes. They are so funny you will want to share them. Funny Twilight Memes 1. This Is What Brokeback Mountain Characters Think Of Twilight...

31 Best Halloween Jokes, including Frankenstein Jokes

Check out this hilarious collection of Halloween Jokes. It includes jokes about vampires, ghosts, and Frankenstein, not to mention the best and funniest Halloween stories from every corner of the world. Short Halloween Jokes...

20 Best Banker Jokes

Check out this collection of banker jokes. We did our best to bring you only the best jokes about bankers. You will sure find them funny, or we’re not 1. Wall Street Blames...