13 Best Black Friday Jokes That Will Make You Laugh
Check out some awesome Black Friday jokes we found for you. We did our best to bring you only the funniest. 1. Who profits the most on Black Friday? The one who was smart...
Life's Too Short Not To Laugh
Check out some awesome Black Friday jokes we found for you. We did our best to bring you only the funniest. 1. Who profits the most on Black Friday? The one who was smart...
Check out 12 really funny Mormon jokes. We did our best to bring you only the best LDS jokes about Mormons. You’ll find them funny, or we’re not Humoropedia.com. 1 This Is How Mormons...
This is a funny article submitted to us by Alex Miller Friedrich Nietzsche suggests that the qualifier good ‘does not emanate from those to whom goodness is shown!‘ History will show, and has shown,...
This is a funny conversation about annoying pizza customer submitted to us by Adam Sharp. “Hello, welcome, how can I…” “What kind do you have?” “What kind of what? Breadsticks, pizza, or…” “Pizza.” “Well,...
This is a funny April Fools’ pranks story submitted to us by Roger Gordon He was crazy about her. He’d never met her but he was her number one fan. My buddy Brad was...
Laugh at Best Yo Mama Jokes Ever. We bring you really funny yo mama jokes. You will laugh, or we’re not Humoropedia.com. 1 Yo momma is so fat when she got on the scale...
This is a funny cat article submitted to us by Diane Strickland My favorite type of pet is a cat. I like cats because they are the sarcastic, furry, four-legged mirror of myself. I...
This is a funny short story submitted to us by C. Allen Benson. I’m not a church goer, anti-religious, an atheist or anything close to it. I just don’t go to church on Sunday’s....
Note About This Story: It is one of the funny doctor stories that has really happened. It has been submitted to us by a doctor from India. I shouldn’t be sitting at my keyboard...
Laugh at really funny Star Wars jokes. We did our best to bring you only the best. 1. Q: Who tries to be a Jedi? A: Obi-Wannabe 2. Q: What do Gungans put things...